8 ways to prevent digestive disorders on sunny days

8 ways to prevent digestive disorders on sunny days 13

Digestive disorders are a condition of imbalance in the microflora leading to intestinal dysbiosis, occurring mainly due to consumption of unhygienic food.

Doctor Vu Truong Khanh, Head of the Department of Gastroenterology, Tam Anh General Hospital, Hanoi, said that patients with digestive disorders tend to increase in the summer, especially on hot days caused by high temperatures.

During the change of season, the body has not yet had time to adapt to the weather, the immune system is weakened, making it susceptible to respiratory infections, ear, nose and throat infections, pneumonia… Taking a lot of medicine to treat diseases for a long time can cause loss of health.

Digestive disorders are not serious diseases, but if left untreated for a long time, they can lead to many dangerous complications.

Store food properly

Leftover food should be wrapped tightly or put in specialized food boxes and stored in the refrigerator, reheating before use to eliminate harmful bacteria.

Raw foods such as fish, meat, and seafood need to be classified when preserving. Avoid using plastic bags to preserve food. Do not refreeze after defrosting.

Scientific diet

Limit stimulants such as alcohol, beer, carbonated beverages, foods high in sugar, fat, protein, street food, raw salad… because of indigestion, which can change the microflora.

Drink enough water

To prevent the body from dehydration on hot days and improve intestinal health, adults drink two liters of water a day. The dosage for children depends on age and needs.

Supplement foods containing probiotics

Probiotics support a healthy digestive system.

Yogurt supports digestion and prevents digestive disorders.

Keep clean

Keeping your body and living environment clean helps prevent disease-causing agents.

Exercise to improve health

Maintain an exercise habit of about 150 minutes per week, at least 30 minutes a day to increase blood circulation, maintain digestive system function, and support intestinal regulation.

Reduce stress

Irregular sleeping habits and stress in work and life create pressure on the digestive system, increasing the risk of intestinal inflammation, loss of appetite, bloating, and cramps.

Do not drink alcohol or smoke

Drinking too much alcohol reduces the immune system of the digestive tract.

Eat and sleep on time, relieve stress with exercises such as yoga, meditation… People with unusual symptoms should be examined promptly for correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Readers ask questions about digestive diseases here for doctors to answer

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