The Department of Crop Production warns about the risks of investing in mutant orchids

The Department of Crop Production warns about the risks of investing in mutant orchids 2

On the morning of April 15, Mr. Nguyen Nhu Cuong, Director of Crop Production (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development) said that the unit is coordinating with scientists and research institutes to warn people about risks.

`Transactions of mutant orchids that have been reported to be up to billions of dong, even tens of billions, have recently been civil in nature. Management agencies cannot require a flower variety to only be sold at a certain price.`

The non-scallop orchid flower is said to be `mutant` and the orchid hobbyists named it `five white petals Snow White`.

`Transactions of mutant orchids are currently not transparent, the value of use is unclear. I believe that in just a short time, mutant orchids will return to their real value. If we are not alert, many people will be inclined to

According to the leaders of the Department of Crop Production, to avoid risks when transacting, people should make contracts and invoices, which will be the basis for handling in case of disputes.

Currently, the State management agency in charge of agriculture only focuses on managing the main crop species, such as rice, corn, coffee, oranges, grapefruit, and bananas, because these crops have a great impact on the socio-economy.

`The main crops that want to be circulated must pass testing and meet standards for cultivation and use value. Meanwhile, mutant orchids are not part of the main crops, so they can be circulated normally, without the need for manual processing.

According to the roadmap set out in Decree 94 guiding the Law on Crop Production, by early 2023, individuals and organizations trading a plant variety that is not a major crop (including mutant orchids) must complete procedures for declaration.

The Department of Crop Production warns about the risks of investing in mutant orchids

Phalaenopsis orchids are bred at a garden house in Yen Thuy district, Hoa Binh.

Associate Professor, Dr. Dang Van Dong, Deputy Director of the Fruit and Vegetable Research Institute (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development), said `mutant orchids are an individual or a line of orchids in the natural, unexpected orchid population.`

He commented that the orchids that have been widely sold for billions of dong in recent times `are not necessarily mutated orchids`;

`Even mutant orchids do not necessarily have stable genetics. For example, the mother plant has this flower color, but bringing the seedlings to another climate changes the flower color like that. The first flower blooms one way, the next season.

In addition, according to him, mutant orchids can now be propagated in many ways. When the number of nursery plants is large and easy, `the price will definitely decrease`.

Citing lessons from the movement of playing and trading sesame trees and buds more than 10 years ago, Dr. Dong said `trees have been overpriced up to hundreds of millions, even billions of dong. Many people borrow money from banks, so

Recently, there have been sudden orchid transactions across the country, with massive livestreams, with announced amounts reaching billions, even tens of billions of dong.

During the cultivation and trading process, depending on the color characteristics of the petals, eyes, and tongue of the flower, the gardener, and the location of discovery, the plant hobbyists give `mutant orchids` names such as: Five-petaled white Phu Tho,

In Hoa Binh province, facing the phenomenon of trading and selling `mutant orchids` worth billions in the area, Provincial Party Secretary Ngo Van Tuan requested the Provincial People’s Committee to direct the authorities to `have appropriate solutions to declare

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