The Democratic Party is confident of defeating Trump

The Democratic Party is confident of defeating Trump 6

Polling organization Gallup on July 6 announced survey results showing that the percentage of American voters supporting President Donald Trump is 38%, while the percentage of disapproval is 57%.

Trump’s advantages in attracting voters have gradually disappeared since the spring, when crises continued to strike, from Covid-19, the economic recession, to racial protests after the death of George Floyd, a man

Trump and his aides asserted that internal survey data showed that the results between the two candidates were much closer.

Trump’s campaign team is trying to `turn the tide` in the coming weeks with a more disciplined message, as well as intensifying the attack campaign targeting the 77-year-old former vice president, mainly

However, Trump has never shown that he likes to follow discipline, constantly making moves to `step on his own toes`, threatening the campaign’s efforts.

On the evening of July 10, Trump sparked new criticism when he commuted the sentence of longtime ally Roger Stone, helping him avoid having to go to prison after being sentenced for perjury.

Former Vice President Joe Biden visited the neighborhood he grew up in Scranton, Pennsylvania, on July 9.

Biden gained an advantage when the Trump administration struggled to deal with Covid-19, the pandemic that infected nearly 3.5 million people and killed more than 138,000 in the US.

However, opinions in public opinion surveys opposing Trump’s handling of the pandemic and protests for racial equality, as well as the results of recent fundraising campaigns, have made many leaders

Charles E. Schumer, leader of the Democratic minority in the US Senate, feels optimistic about the prospect of winning back the necessary three or four seats from the Republicans, so that for the first time in 6 years, the Democrats regain power.

`You’re going to see how important it is to take back the Senate, take the country back and pay more attention to the middle class,` Schumer said.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi affirmed that the Democrats could absolutely win if the election was held at the present time.

`We have an advantage over the previous election in that people are more alert, aware and worried,` Pelosi said.

Mike Murphy, a Republican strategist who does not support Trump, also advised that Democrats should not be too confident.

Biden is leading Trump by 9 percentage points in a survey conducted by the Washington Post in mid-June. He is also leading the incumbent President in recent surveys in battleground states such as Arizona, Florida, Michigan,

`The president is falling into a deep hole and I’m not sure how he’s going to find a way out,` said Amy Walter, editor of the news site Cook Political Report, adding that Trump is dragging down his election prospects.

Haley Barbour, the former governor of Mississippi and former chair of the Republican National Committee, said Trump could win back voters with a more disciplined message.

White House officials and Trump’s campaign team recently argued that the President is better able to restore the post-pandemic economy than Biden.

Jason Miller, senior adviser to Trump’s campaign, said their immediate effort is a `comprehensive attack` on Biden, targeting his opponent’s weaknesses such as his lack of a sharp mindset for work.

However, Anita Dunn, Biden’s senior campaign advisor, affirmed that attacks by Trump and his allies against the former US vice president over the past year have not had much success.

`The idea that they don’t have time to research Joe Biden is ridiculous. The president is stepping on his own toes by deliberately portraying Biden in a negative light. Donald Trump’s problem is that it is the American voters who

Dunn believes that the election will focus on the leadership ability of the head of the White House.

67% of Americans disagree with Trump’s anti-Covid-19 strategy, according to an ABC News/Ipsos survey published on July 10.

`If the President had started the fight against Covid-19 early and was truly a leader, he would certainly not have been defeated. But Trump failed to seize these opportunities,` said Terry McAuliffe, former president.

What’s dangerous for Trump is whether voters who have `lost faith` in the President will be willing to return to support him.

Carlos Curbelo, a former Republican congressman in Florida, a state Trump won in 2016, said the current situation is quite unfavorable for the US President.

`The idea of a president being a reality TV star only seems to be attractive and interesting to many people when the country is stable. There are many people who supported Trump in the 2016 election who have now changed their views,

The Democratic Party is confident of defeating Trump

President Donald Trump participates in a discussion on school openings at the White House, July 7.

Republican candidates’ prospects for being elected to the Senate have dimmed in recent weeks, as the number of infections in dozens of states has skyrocketed.

When Trump was acquitted in a recall effort in February, many Democrats were worried they would lose a few seats in the House, but now they have new opportunities thanks to Trump’s falling approval ratings.

Democrats are targeting many states that were once dominated by Republicans, such as Georgia, Indiana, Missouri, New York, Pennsylvania and Texas.

`The world is changing. What we can see is that the President is becoming an obstacle for Republican candidates and this is difficult to fix,` said Abby Curran Horrell, executive director of House Majority PAC,

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