More than 110 centrally managed officials were disciplined for 5 years

More than 110 centrally managed officials were disciplined for 5 years 0

The above data were announced at the national conference summarizing anti-corruption work in the period 2013 – 2020, on the morning of December 12.

From 2016 up to now, the first Politburo member to be disciplined is Mr. Dinh La Thang.

On May 7, 2017, the 5th Central Conference (term XII) met under the chairmanship of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and decided to discipline Mr. Dinh La Thang (at that time a member of the Politburo, Secretary of the City).

The Party Central Committee recognized that, during his nearly 35-year work experience, Mr. Dinh La Thang has made certain contributions to the Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (PVN) and the agencies and units in which he holds leadership positions.

These are violations in leadership, direction and staff work, negatively affecting the reputation of Party committees, Party organizations and Mr. Thang personally, `causing frustration among officials, party members and employees.`

Mr. Dinh La Thang during his court appearance in Hanoi in 2018. Photo: VNA.

The second member of the XII Politburo to be disciplined is Mr. Hoang Trung Hai.

The Politburo said that during his time as a member of the Party Committee and Deputy Prime Minister (from August 2007 to 2016), Mr. Hoang Trung Hai had serious violations and shortcomings in the process.

One of the violations pointed out is that Mr. Hai commented on adjusting the total investment of the TISCO II project and borrowing preferential credit capital, violating the State’s regulations on investment credit and export credit.

In February 2020, Mr. Hoang Trung Hai, Politburo member, was assigned to be the permanent deputy head of the department in charge of the Documents Subcommittee of the 13th Party Congress.

Most recently, on November 8, Politburo member and Secretary of the Party Central Committee Nguyen Van Binh (Head of the Central Economic Commission) was warned for violations during his time as Governor of the State Bank.

Among Mr. Binh’s violations, there is `not fully reporting and not properly implementing the Prime Minister’s instructions in the compulsory purchase of 3 banks at zero prices, which is a violation of the principle of authority;

During the review process, Mr. Nguyen Van Binh accepted responsibility for the violations and shortcomings and took disciplinary action.

During the 12th term, there was also a former Politburo member who was disciplined, Mr. Le Thanh Hai.

The Politburo and Secretariat made the above decision at a conference on the morning of March 20.

More than 110 centrally managed officials were disciplined for 5 years

Mr. Le Thanh Hai.

In addition to the 4 members and former members of the Politburo mentioned above, during the 12th term, there were also 27 members and former members of the Party Central Committee and more than 30 general-level officers who were disciplined.

Among them, the first member of the Party Central Committee to be disciplined in this term is Mr. Nguyen Xuan Anh.

In addition to being responsible as the head of the City Party Committee for the violations and shortcomings of the Standing Committee of the City Party Committee for the 2015-2020 term, Mr. Xuan Anh personally violated the principle of democratic centralism and the regulations of the City Party Committee.

Mr. Xuan Anh also declared and used his qualifications improperly;

The most recent member of the Party Central Committee to be disciplined is Mr. Le Viet Chu.

Mr. Chu is also responsible for the policy of investing in a number of large projects from capital sources outside the state budget, leasing land and allocating land to businesses without auctioning land use rights;

Among the disciplined general officers, there is a former Deputy Minister of National Defense, Mr. Nguyen Van Hien;

Of the total of more than 110 centrally managed officials disciplined from 2016 to present, 18 people have been criminally handled (one Politburo member; 7 members, former members of the Party Central Committee, 4 Ministries).

Hoang Thuy

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