Pressure is weighing on American vote counting staff

Pressure is weighing on American vote counting staff 2

At another time, what they were doing might not have been noteworthy, but the pressure increased unprecedentedly on November 5, 2 days after the US presidential election ended.

A large number of reporters from around the world also gathered, jostling to record what would be a historic moment.

Ballot counting staff in Atlanta, Georgia, on November 5.

Workers go through mountains of mail-in ballots, the voting method chosen by many voters this year due to the Covid-19 pandemic, checking their validity, then sorting them and putting them into counting machines.

In some cities like Philadelphia, pro-Trump protesters flocked to vote counting centers, demanding access inside to confirm suspicions of fraud, when Biden nearly reached 270 electoral votes to win the election.

Many also protested in Atlanta, Georgia, a southern US city with a proud history of African-American activism and the birthplace of Martin Luther King Jr.

Georgia, a stronghold of the Republican Party, suddenly became the focus of attention after Biden prevailed and was able to collect 16 electoral votes.

However, the atmosphere inside the vote counting center, which is the home stadium of the Atlanta Hawks basketball team, still seems to be quite comfortable with employees focusing on their work.

Gabriel Sterling, secretary of the Georgia state office, the agency that oversees elections, said the two candidates were competing closely here and `we are aware of this fact.`

`County election officials feel that pressure. They understand. They’re working hard,` he said.

He affirmed that election officials were `not involved in vote or voter fraud`.

According to Sterling, early on November 5, Georgia still had about 60,000 uncounted votes.

Pressure is weighing on American vote counting staff

Press reporters gathered outside the vote counting center in Las Vegas, Nevada, on November 5.

The `win chance` is still divided between Trump and Biden, but Biden has more ways and seems to be gradually gaining the upper hand in battleground states thanks to absentee and mail-in votes.

Biden currently has 264 electoral votes and is only 6 votes short of winning the election, according to forecasts by AP and Fox News.

Trump currently has 214 votes and certainly has three more electoral votes in Alaska, even though this state has not finished counting the votes.

On the other side of the United States, in Las Vegas, Nevada, gloved workers separated by glass barriers were feeding ballots into counting machines, one of a series of steps in the verification and tabulation process.

There are some protesters here, where the results are still undecided.

Joe Gloria, voter registrar for Clark County, which includes the city of Las Vegas, appeared a bit confused as he explained to reporters the backlog.

`My wife and mother are very worried about me,` Glorida replied when asked about the protests on the evening of November 4.

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