UK: There is no evidence that Covid-19 was man-made

UK: There is no evidence that Covid-19 was man-made 0

(Dan Tri) – The British Health Minister said there is currently no evidence that the new strain of corona virus was created by humans, while the US still suspects that the virus leaked from a laboratory in China.

British Health Secretary Matt Hancock (Photo: Getty)

“We have looked into this issue and we do not have any evidence that this is a man-made coronavirus,” British Health Secretary Matt Hancock said on May 6.

Secretary Hancock’s statement was made in the context of him being urged to express his opinion on the US government’s allegation that the new strain of corona virus causing the global Covid-19 pandemic originated from a laboratory in Vietnam.

“We have not seen any evidence of that connection, I have not seen any evidence to confirm (the US) allegations,” Mr. Hancock added.

President Donald Trump announced in late April that he had evidence that the corona virus originated from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan city – where the Covid-19 epidemic originated.

Secretary Hancock refused to reveal whether the US would share any information related to the origin of Covid-19 with Britain – Washington’s closest ally.

Secretary Hancock was confirmed to have Covid-19 in March, after British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Some other members of the Trump administration left open the hypothesis that the new coronavirus was `man-made`.

However, Anthony Fauci, America’s leading infectious disease expert and a member of the White House’s coronavirus response team, rejected the hypothesis that Covid-19 was man-made or leaked from the laboratory.

Meanwhile, an announcement from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence on April 30 said that the US intelligence community `agrees with the scientific consensus that Covid-19 is not man-made.`

Intelligence forces belonging to the Five Eyes intelligence sharing alliance (including the UK, Canada, US, New Zealand and Australia) also shared a report stating that it is unlikely that Covid-19 originated from a laboratory incident.

China has so far denied all accusations, asserting that they are also a victim of the virus and did not create a global pandemic.

China warns Britain

Chinese Ambassador to the UK Liu Xiaoming on May 5 warned that British politicians could `poison` the relationship between the two countries, after Prime Minister Johnson’s government sided with some countries that criticized Beijing’s approach.

“Unfortunately, some politicians in the UK have been infected with cold war ideology by comparing China with the Soviet Union and calling for a review of the UK-China relationship, even calling for a new cold war.

The British government last week voiced support for opening an investigation to find out how the Covid-19 epidemic broke out in China.


According to RT

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