The boy selling milk tea set a record in just 10 seconds, winning 100 million VND

The boy selling milk tea set a record in just 10 seconds, winning 100 million VND 1

With just one skit and a record short time, contestant Le Tan Loi made Tran Thanh, Truong Giang and the entire audience of `Comedian Challenge` unable to stop laughing.

The boy selling milk tea set a record when he won 100 million VND in 10 seconds

Tran Thanh and Truong Giang were excited to talk with the contestants.

And after the conversation, the milk tea seller only took 10 seconds to get 2 million VND from Tran Thanh and Truong Giang.

Watch video of round 1:

`Hot milk tea boy` set a record: it only took 10 seconds to win 100 million

Entering round 2, the time for the two judges and the entire studio to laugh was even shorter.

Watch round 2 video:

The boy selling milk tea set a record when he won 100 million VND in 10 seconds

It only took 5 seconds for Tran Thanh and Truong Giang to burst into laughter.

Before entering round 3 to get the prize worth 20 million VND, he did not forget to ‘talk bad about his wife’ in front of everyone.

Watch the video defaming your wife:

Speak ill of your wife before entering Round 3

After receiving permission from his wife, he continued to show off his humorous ability in round 3 of ‘Comedian Challenge’.

Watch round 3 video:

The boy selling milk tea set a record in just 10 seconds, winning 100 million VND

The boy selling milk tea set a record when he won 100 million VND in 10 seconds

It took 10 seconds for the ‘milk tea hot boy’ to earn me 20 million VND.

When he got the 20 million VND prize, the contestant continued to gesture to his wife, making Tran Thanh and Truong Giang laugh again.

Watch the video signaling to your wife:

Speak ill of your wife before round 4

The contestants’ actions made everyone laugh.

In round 4, it took nearly 20 seconds for him to make everyone laugh and bring home a reward of 40 million VND.

Watch round 4 video:

The boy selling milk tea set a record in just 10 seconds, winning 100 million VND

The boy selling milk tea set a record when he won 100 million VND in 10 seconds

The phone call brought Le Tan Loi a bonus of 40 million VND and prepared to enter round 5 to receive a prize of 100 million VND.

In this decisive round, the guy from Long An created a record when it took 10 seconds to completely conquer the audience with his love story.

Watch the video of round 5 of winning 100 million VND:

The boy selling milk tea set a record when he won 100 million VND in 10 seconds

After officially receiving 100 million VND, the `milk tea hot boy` also presented the whole story to the audience as well as shared about the process of courting his wife.

He set a record when he won the 100 million VND prize of ‘Comedian Challenge’.

Watch round 5 video:

Watch video of round 5

Watch a video sharing about the process of courting your wife

Watch a video sharing about the process of courting your wife

The emotional story makes everyone laugh out loud.

> See more: The guy singing ‘People on the street’ made Truong Giang dumbfounded

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