Reducing deaths from Covid-19 with cardiovascular drugs

Reducing deaths from Covid-19 with cardiovascular drugs 6

The `candidates` evaluated included blood pressure drugs, blood thinners, statins (which help lower cholesterol), antiplatelet drugs and drugs that prevent triglycerides in the blood.

According to previous research, about 20% of patients infected with nCoV have severe symptoms.

Through these symptoms, experts concluded that Covid-19 is both a lung disease and affects blood vessels.

They hope that cardiovascular drugs can save patients’ lives by reducing the body’s inflammatory response when nCoV invades, through a direct attack on the virus.

One of the drugs being tested is losartan.

According to Michael Puskarich, associate professor of emergency medicine, University of Minnesota, in addition to treating high blood pressure, the drug helps prevent damage, prevents fluid from inflammation from accumulating in the lungs, and reduces the patient’s difficulty breathing.

The drug losartan is used to treat high blood pressure.

Losartan is being tested on 200 people, in a study funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

At the same time, University of Hawaii researchers plan a clinical trial of the drug telmisartan, which commonly treats high blood pressure.

Meanwhile, pharmaceutical company Amarin Corp plans to evaluate the effectiveness of the cardiovascular drug vascepa in treating infections and reducing the risk of complications in Covid-19 patients.

The drug has been administered to patients hospitalized at the University of Toronto.

Reducing deaths from Covid-19 with cardiovascular drugs

Covid-19 patients are treated in the intensive care unit of Brooklyn Central Hospital, New York.

Another potential `candidate` in a series of trials is the cholesterol-lowering drug statin, which is very familiar to millions of Americans.

In May, Belgian scientists conducted a survey on 154 people infected with nCoV taking Statins.

One of the most dangerous complications of Covid-19 is the creation of blood clots under the surface of the skin.

Covid-19 currently has no official treatment method.

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