Going abroad on April 30 is ‘worth more money’ than going domestically

Going abroad on April 30 is 'worth more money' than going domestically 3

Van Anh, from Hanoi, has never liked traveling domestically during Tet holidays because of the crowds, overloaded services, and `cutting and cutting`.

`The problem is why at the same price range, even cheaper abroad, do I have to choose domestic travel?`, Van Anh said.

Meanwhile, Van Thinh, a teacher in Hanoi, said he had booked a plane ticket to Bangkok from April 27 to May 1 for 5.5 million VND round-trip.

China Town night street in Bangkok, Thailand.

Most travel companies confirm that customers tend to choose to travel abroad during this year’s holidays.

High domestic airfares are one of the reasons why many Vietnamese tourists choose to go abroad.

`This year’s prices are ‘more expensive’. When put on the scale, customers will more easily choose to go abroad,` said Mr. Nguyen Tien Dat, General Director of AZA Travel.

A representative of a travel company said that before the epidemic, holiday airfares were not as high as they are now.

`If you spend a lot of money, the service will definitely not be as complete as usual, so it will disappoint customers,` this person said.

Prices for foreign tours do not increase as much as domestic tours.

Mr. Dat also added that foreign tour programs are well subsidized by shopping destinations.

Foreign tourism products are rich with many popular destinations.

The long holiday period is also part of the reason why foreign tourism is more exciting on April 30 this year.

Going abroad on April 30 is 'worth more money' than going domestically

The southern area of Phu Quoc has many new destinations that attract tourists.

Although the trend of going abroad is increasing, the number of visitors is only about 50% compared to before the epidemic.

When tourists tighten their wallets, not only foreign but domestic tourism will also be affected.

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