Electricity prices must ‘piggyback’ even luxury cars and villas

Electricity prices must 'piggyback' even luxury cars and villas 2

From 2009 until now, there have been 7 increases in electricity prices.

However, the Government Inspectorate’s conclusion on compliance with legal regulations in the management and use of capital assets of Vietnam Electricity Group (EVN) for the 2011 year shows that the cost of electricity prices has increased somewhat.

EVN always uses the excuse that current electricity prices are low and not enough to cover costs to increase prices.

According to the conclusion of the Government Inspectorate, when investing in 6 power projects, this group included many unreasonable costs in the price of electricity sold to people.

According to regulations, EVN can only buy 2-wheel drive cars, with a maximum price of 1.04 billion per car.

The conclusion of the Government Inspectorate also shows that not only the above unreasonable construction costs of hundreds of billions of dong, but also the burden of losses for foreign-invested enterprises is also considered by the unit as a factor to increase electricity prices.

By the end of 2011, the inspection agency concluded that EVN had invested more than 121,000 billion VND outside the industry even though its charter capital was less than 77,000 billion VND.

However, many units still pay bonuses to employees despite losses and do not have the resources to deduct bonus and welfare funds.

Furthermore, the Government Inspectorate also said that EVN has not developed accurate labor norms and is slow to amend them, so there is a large difference between the normed labor and the actual labor used.

Not only that, there are still many irrationalities in the training work of this unit.

Assessing these violations, the Government Inspectorate said that the main cause is that EVN leaders have not properly complied with regulations on management and use of capital assets;

Talking to VnExpress.net, a leader of EVN said that he had received information about the inspection conclusion and that the group would soon have an official response today (October 8).

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