Brazil restores Covid-19 data

Brazil restores Covid-19 data 0, the Brazilian government’s website updating Covid-19 data, on June 9 continued to display the total number of infections and deaths due to nCoV in the country, after a few days of changing the interface, only

According to data on the evening of June 9, Brazil recorded an additional 32,091 infected people and 1,272 deaths in the past 24 hours, bringing the total number of infections and deaths nationwide to 739,503 and 38,406 respectively, continuing to be the second largest epidemic area in the world.

The above move was made by the Brazilian government after several days of criticism that they were trying to hide the severity of the global pandemic in this country by deleting data.

Medical staff treat a patient in the intensive care unit in the city of Marica, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil, on June 5.

The move to restore the data was made after Brazilian supreme judge Alexandre de Moraes issued a statement that the country’s Ministry of Health must `fully reset daily data on Covid-19, including on the website

Moraes said the government’s actions have made it impossible for Brazil to track the spread of nCoV and implement appropriate prevention and control policies.

Sao Paulo health authorities reported a record high of new daily deaths as they began reopening the economy and loosening some social distancing rules.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil’s second largest city, also began easing quarantine measures, allowing soccer matches to be held without spectators.

Over the weekend, Brazil’s Covid-19 data update website suddenly deleted all data about the pandemic over the past several months as well as not displaying the total number of nCoV infections and deaths in the country.

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro consistently downplayed Covid-19, calling it a `little flu` and calling on state governors to lift blockade measures that are hurting the country’s economy.

Covid-19 has appeared in more than 210 countries and territories, causing more than 7.3 million infections, more than 410,000 deaths and more than 3.6 million recoveries.

Ngoc Anh (According to Reuters)

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