Bale – body in London, soul hanging in Madrid

Bale - body in London, soul hanging in Madrid 1

Like every other member of Tottenham, Bale was present at Tottenham’s Einfeld training ground on the outskirts of London yesterday.

Bale’s expressionless face as he drove to Einfeld training ground yesterday.

Bale’s training session ended quickly and what happened afterward in the direct meeting between Bale and coach Villas-Boas was the biggest event of the day for Tottenham.

The basis for Bale to give the above message is a promise from chairman Levy that Tottenham will let him leave if he cannot win tickets to the Champions League and receive a suitable offer.

Tottenham, according to the British press, seems to have determined that they will not be able to retain Bale.

Tottenham’s delay made Bale very impatient.

Bale - body in London, soul hanging in Madrid

Bale just wants to pack his bags and go to Real as soon as possible.

Last summer, the Croatian attacking midfielder was also prevented by Tottenham from going to Real for a price.

Bale clearly does not want to follow in the footsteps of former teammate Luka Modric.

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