At the US-China summit, Biden called for preventing conflict

At the US-China summit, Biden called for preventing conflict 4

US President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping began their summit online this morning (evening of November 15, US eastern time).

In his opening remarks, the US President said that `barriers` are needed to ensure that competition between the two countries does not become conflict, whether intentional or unintentional.

“We need to establish some barriers of common ground before we emphasize cooperation,” especially on important global issues like climate change,” Biden said. “We have a responsibility to

The US President announced that he would emphasize human rights, economic issues and ensuring a free and fair Indo-Pacific when discussing with Mr. Xi.

At the US-China summit, Biden called for preventing conflict

US President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping held a summit today.

Xi responded that China and the US must improve `communication` and face challenges together.

`As the world’s two largest economies and permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, China and the US need to strengthen communication and cooperation,` Mr. Xi said.

The Chinese President also expressed that he was happy to `meet his old friend` Biden and was willing to work with the US leader.

`China and the US should respect each other, coexist in peace and pursue mutually beneficial cooperation. I am willing to work with Mr. President to build consensus, take positive steps

At the US-China summit, Biden called for preventing conflict

US President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping (on screen) hold a summit.

After the opening remarks, the two leaders continued to discuss privately and reporters were invited out of the meeting room.

This is the first online summit between US and Chinese leaders since Mr. Biden took office.

Ahead of the conference, White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Biden would attend the summit expected to last several hours `with a great power position` after months of rebuilding alliances with other countries to contain

Most of the attention in the build-up to the conference has focused on Taiwan, the island China claims as part of its territory.

`We know as responsible global leaders it is important to maintain open channels of communication,` an unnamed senior US administration official told reporters.

The White House also sought to lower expectations, with the official saying the summit was `not a meeting where we expected to achieve results.`

Biden, a veteran politician on foreign policy issues, often says that phone calls cannot replace face-to-face meetings.

US-China relations weakened under President Donald Trump, who launched a trade war with China and accused Beijing of concealing the origin of the Covid-19 pandemic.

China has stepped up military activities near Taiwan in recent years, with a record number of fighter jets entering the island’s air defense identification zone in October. The US has said it supports Taiwan’s ability to defend itself.

Chinese media said on November 15 that Taiwan is the main focus of current US-China tensions and that the summit will prioritize this hot spot, while warning the US to `take a step back first`.

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