6 fruits good for cancer people

6 fruits good for cancer people 0

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is good for health.

Oranges contain many substances such as thiamine, folate, potassium, and carotenoids that contribute to preventing some cancers such as gastrointestinal, rectal, and lung cancer.

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is good for health.

Oranges contain many substances such as thiamine, folate, potassium, and carotenoids that contribute to preventing some cancers such as gastrointestinal, rectal, and lung cancer.

6 fruits good for cancer people

Grapefruit is rich in antioxidants with anti-cancer properties such as lycopene, which helps reduce the side effects of some treatments.

Grapefruit is rich in antioxidants with anti-cancer properties such as lycopene, which helps reduce the side effects of some treatments.

6 fruits good for cancer people

Kiwi helps protect the body against colorectal cancer.

Kiwi helps protect the body against colorectal cancer.

6 fruits good for cancer people

Bananas are beneficial for people recovering from cancer because they contain many important nutrients including manganese, vitamins B6 and C. The abundant potassium content in bananas replenishes electrolytes, pectin reduces diarrhea and helps fight diarrhea.

Bananas are beneficial for people recovering from cancer because they contain many important nutrients including manganese, vitamins B6 and C. The abundant potassium content in bananas replenishes electrolytes, pectin reduces diarrhea and helps fight diarrhea.

6 fruits good for cancer people

Apples contribute to reducing the risk of cancer, especially lung, breast and colorectal cancer.

Apples contribute to reducing the risk of cancer, especially lung, breast and colorectal cancer.

6 fruits good for cancer people

Pomegranate is rich in vitamins C, K, fiber, folate, and potassium which can reduce joint pain for patients undergoing treatment.

Pomegranate is rich in vitamins C, K, fiber, folate, and potassium which can reduce joint pain for patients undergoing treatment.

Anh Chi (According to WebMD)

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