Vietnam Science & Technology Day

Vietnam Science & Technology Day 1

Recounting the process of vaccine research and development, Professor Lien (81 years old), a senior expert at Vaccine and Biological Products Company No. 1 (Ministry of Health) shows how to put a research result into practical application.

Professor Huynh Thi Phuong Lien.

Since 2006, she has been assigned to carry out the ministerial-level project `Research and development of inactivated Japanese encephalitis vaccine produced on vero cells` – a 2nd generation vaccine to replace the 1st generation vaccine produced from mouse brain (

Research work is considered completed when acceptance results are available.

By chance at a conference, Professor Lien knew Professor Hoang Van Phong, former Minister of Science and Technology, so he sought to meet him.

A state-level project `Research on the safety and immunogenicity in humans of inactivated Japanese encephalitis vaccine produced on Vero cells` JECEVAX Vabiotech, Vietnam was assigned to her as the director.

In 2014, with an investment of 6.3 billion VND from the National Fund for Science and Technology Development (Nafosted), Prof. Dr. Huynh Thi Phuong Lien had funds to continue research and deploy experimental injections on

Through 3 stages of testing, the vaccine’s antibody response after 2 doses reached 99.6%, and after 1 year of the 3rd dose, 100% of subjects had antibody responses.

However, due to legal procedures, the second generation Japanese encephalitis vaccine has not yet been licensed for widespread circulation.

Up to now, Prof. Dr. Huynh Thi Phuong Lien is still very grateful to former Minister Hoang Van Phong, who built a bridge to help her have the opportunity to fulfill her passion for research, not `put it in a drawer`.

Currently, the entire technological process of producing 2nd generation Japanese encephalitis vaccine has been transferred by Prof. Dr. Huynh Thi Phuong Lien to young officials.

She said that the 2nd generation Japanese encephalitis vaccine product costs only 10,500 VND/2 shots, while the price of imported foreign products is much higher.

In January 2021, Prof. Dr. Huynh Thi Phuong Lien received the title of Labor Hero of the Reformation Period.

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