The story of the old beggar counting piles of money is hottest in the community

The story of the old beggar counting piles of money is hottest in the community 3

In addition, other topics such as the multiplication table with addition calculations, artist Chanh Tin packing up and handing over his house to the bank, a photo series exposing the dark side of Facebook… also caused a lot of debate on social networks.

The old beggar hired someone to count money in front of the post office

Because he asked for too much money and was unable to count it all in a moment, the old beggar from Jiangsu province, China brought a sack of money to the door of the post office to hire someone to count it.

The old beggar sat in front of the post office counting the change he got.

The addition multiplication table causes a stir

Members of the social network are arguing fiercely about the photo of a notebook cover from a stationery company that has the multiplication table printed but follows the calculation… addition.

The story of the old beggar counting piles of money is hottest in the community

Mistakes in printing make many parents worried.

Chanh Tin packed his belongings and handed over the house to the bank

After being approved by the Judgment Enforcement Department of District 10, Ho Chi Minh City, their wish to delay the deadline for repossessing the house for the second time, the family of artist Nguyen Chanh Tin has now packed up their belongings and handed over the house they are living in.

The story of the old beggar counting piles of money is hottest in the community

The furniture in artist Chanh Tin’s house is loaded onto the car (Photo: Phuong Nguyen).

Coach Le Thuy Hai and impressive statements about U19 Vietnam

`No U19 Vietnamese player is qualified to play for Binh Duong` or `U19 Vietnam is not qualified to play in the V-League` are statements about U19 players that have caused this coach to encounter many turbulences during his time.

The story of the old beggar counting piles of money is hottest in the community

Coach Le Thuy Hai pays special attention to the U19 Vietnam team.

Two young men dragged the girl by motorbike

A short clip from a car’s dash cam recorded the scene of a young girl being dragged on the road in China by two young men on motorbikes.

The story of the old beggar counting piles of money is hottest in the community

Two young men dragged the girl for a long distance.

The series of paintings exposes the dark side of Facebook

A set of paintings by a Polish artist startles viewers because it accurately reflects reality, when people eat, sleep, and relax on Facebook and gradually separate from the outside world.

The story of the old beggar counting piles of money is hottest in the community

Facebook is gradually becoming an indispensable habit.

> See more: The hostage taker in Hanoi graduated from Polytechnic University / The girl almost lost her life because she `lost her soul` while crossing the street.

Synthetic Linh Huong

A man carrying 3 bags of change to buy an iPhone shocked the community

Carrying three sacks of change to the phone store, the man loudly asked to buy five yellow iPhone 5S, causing the staff here to have a hard time counting the money.

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