When parents are addicted to phones but forbid their children to use them

When parents are addicted to phones but forbid their children to use them 7

When I, an 11th grade homeroom teacher, asked: `Parents, is anyone addicted to cell phones?`.

`Why do I have a phone? If I want to play, I must have internet. Where does it come from?`, I asked back.

That’s right, the internet and smartphones bring us an endless source of information at `lightning` speed, so why ban it?

Children are `living virtually`, so adults must enter the virtual world and know the way back to the real world to guide their children.

When I asked the question: `Have any parents come to check their child’s study corner?`.

I understand very well the feeling of helplessness of parents in educating their children, from seemingly the simplest issues such as: neatness and cleanliness.

Speaking honestly with parents of students in the same position, I pose the question: are our children not listening to their parents or is our own approach not effective?

>> Many Vietnamese parents like to ‘grow up’ for their children

To change our children – parents need to change themselves first.

And then, parents remind their children that in an uncomfortable state, their children also accept tasks that are not at all pleasant.

When parents are addicted to phones but forbid their children to use them

>> Don’t force your children to be good at Vietnamese when their parents are lazy to read

Children are images of their parents through the mirror.

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Nhan Phung

When parents are addicted to phones but forbid their children to use them

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