US and North Korean ambassadors `fight` at the United Nations

US and North Korean ambassadors `fight` at the United Nations 0

(Dan Tri) – Senior diplomats from the US and North Korea debate at the United Nations, regarding the launch of Pyongyang’s first spy satellite last week.

North Korean satellite-carrying rocket (Photo: Reuters).

Reuters reported that the United Nations ambassadors of the US and North Korea sparred at the Security Council on November 27 over Pyongyang’s first spy satellite launch and the reasons for increased tensions in the country.

The British news agency described the debate as a `rare, direct, public exchange` between two countries that have been confronting each other for decades.

After nearly six years of absence, North Korea began sending United Nations special envoys to Security Council meetings on the country’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs in July. The 15-member agency

At the end of the meeting, US Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield and North Korean Ambassador Kim Song made unplanned statements.

The two diplomats gave different views, each saying their country was taking defensive action.

`The belligerent America is threatening us with nuclear weapons,` Mr. Kim accused, emphasizing that `North Korea has the legal right to develop, test, produce and possess equivalent weapons systems.`

Meanwhile, the US Ambassador declared: `We strongly refute North Korea’s dishonest claim that its missile launches are only defensive, in response to bilateral military exercises.`

Ms. Thomas-Greenfield said US exercises are routine, defensive and announced in advance.

Denuclearization talks between North Korea, South Korea, China, the US, Russia and Japan stalled in 2009. Negotiations between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and former US President Donald

The North Korean ambassador said that until the `persistent military threat` is eliminated, Pyongyang will continue to strengthen its (military) capabilities.

Meanwhile, Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield said North Korea’s actions were based on the unrealistic fantasy of a so-called US attack.

`If there is anything the United States wants to provide to Pyongyang, it is humanitarian assistance for the North Korean people, not weapons to attack the people,` she said.

For years, the United Nations Security Council has been divided over how to deal with Pyongyang.

China and Russia said joint military exercises by the US and South Korea had provoked Pyongyang, while Washington accused Beijing and Moscow of encouraging North Korea by protecting it from sanctions.

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